Maureen Maki

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Fruits of the Pandemic

Keeping busy during the pandemic with international shows and shows at home:

  • Unfolding Life, solo exhibit by Maureen Maki

  • Agyeya International 2021

  • International Women's Day, Bundelkhand Art Society

  • One Year Anniversary show Saturday Night Live Art Shows

Upcoming Show "Unfolding Life"

Unfolding Life is the most recent series I finished. Small intimate works 12"x9" paper on paper. I spent much of the pandemic year creating these carefully textured unique pieces. They kept me sane and kept me going. I will be showing all 28 pieces in my studio and online - but for most of you - online. My plan is that the next newsletter I send will be the opening reception. So stay tuned, open the next newsletter, prepare to see these luscious gems of paper collaged onto paper.

Life unfolds in the studio in these small works. The papers unfold like buds of a rose, a flowering tree, an abstracted natural wonder. You'll note that several images have the word "pod" in their title. Nature pops out, unfolds as it grows. This is another series about the nature of creation, the nature of life. Coming soon to you!

International Women’s Day - Art Exhibit in Jahnsi, India

So the guys from the Agyeya International show, based in Delhi, India, honored me and all their other artists with in-depth interviews and art talks associated with each solo exhibit. You can see my Solo Exhibit here and you can see my Art Talk here. I was so pleased to be exhibiting alongside talented artists from all over the world. I hope they keep doing shows because they curate some really fabulous stuff.

At the same time in Jhansi, India, I was in an exhibit for National Women's Day. The International Women Artist Exhibition 2021 was hosted by Bundelkhand Art Society (who I've worked with before) and The Art Gallery of Govt. Museum Jhansi. Clink on this facebook link, International Women's Day, to see my quick video about the show.

I will be featured again on Saturday Night Live Art Shows on Saturday, March 27th. We are celebrating the one-year anniversary of this format that was started as a response to the pandemic, and a way to get art out to people even when on lock down.

Prepare to unfold life.